Strength in Weakness
He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength (Isaiah 40:29) It’s not as I had planned it, Lord; so many things went wrong; I just feel weak and helpless when I planned to be so strong. I’ve had to count on others to help me through the day, when what I wanted most was strength to do things my own way. What a lesson You are teaching me; what in myself I see; how independent I’ve become, and how proud I’ve been to be. It isn’t necessary to be strong; to do it all myself. You’ve placed them here to fill the gap, left by my failing health. But most of all You’re teaching me that it’s Your heart’s desire, that I depend on You, my Strength, to lead me through each hour. (This is a poem I penned during a low time, health wise, in 2015. With all the sicknesses and weaknesses going around right now I think it bears reposting. Hopefully...