Winter Shall Pass

The winter is past, the rain is over and gone.  
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, 
and the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land 
(Song of Solomon 2:11-12)

Every year it happens.  Winter comes and seems to drag on forever.  The sun makes only brief appearances before disappearing behind thick layers of gray.  Dreary day follows dreary day until our spirits are as leaden as the winter sky.  Moisture is scarce and everything becomes dry and brittle.  When it does come, it is usually frozen or bone chilling.

Sometimes we experience wintertime in our hearts.  Things seem bleak and we are inclined to withdraw and hibernate.  Joy and enthusiasm are as elusive as the winter sun as we trudge through the grind of daily living.  Just as winter birds do not sing, there is little music in our hearts.  We feel tense and quarrelsome.  Temperaments grow testy; conversations terse.  Dry brittleness seems to permeate us from the inside out.

What a welcome sight those first signs of spring.  Warmer temperatures; lengthened days that bring more sunlight; the reappearance of song birds, jonquils and hyacinths.  Gentle showers that prompt the greening grass, and budding trees.  All give a renewed sense of anticipation and well-being.

What does it take to bring springtime to weary souls?  How can we throw off overcast moods and soften brittle feelings?  We can’t.  At least not by ourselves.  Just as it takes the power of God to change the seasons in nature, so we need His intervention into our lives to make desired changes.
 Jesus said: ‘I am the light of the world.  He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness,
                    but have the light of life (John 8:12)

When we allow His love light to shine into our consciousness, dreariness is dispelled.  His warmth replaces our coldness, and enthusiasm is felt once again.

Winter of the soul is as natural to our earthly lives as is nature’s winter season.  As children of God, we will experience occasional ups and downs.  When we hit a cold spell we shouldn’t despair, for it need not last forever.  Just because we don’t feel the warmth of the sun at times doesn’t mean it has lost its light.  So it is with our Lord.  God’s love and the life He gives us in Christ are eternal.  Permanently ours, even if at times we do not feel them:

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish;
neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.  
My father, Who has given them to Me, 
is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them 
out of My Father’s hand 
(John 10:28-29)

God has promised that the bleak times in His children’s lives will be put to use as surely as the brighter ones will; for nothing goes to waste when we acquiesce to His plans:

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, 
to those who are called according to His purpose 
(Romans 8:28)

So when we find ourselves in the throes of winter, we can be encouraged by remembering that spring is just around the corner, ready to burst on the scene, dispelling the grayness that engulfs us, and bringing joy back into life.

Why are you cast down, o my soul? And why are you disquieted within me?  
Hope in God for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance…
the Lord will command His loving kindness in the daytime,
 and in the night His song shall be with me 
(Psalm 43:5;8)

Lord, You know I hate the dark days when my soul is feeling down;
when I cannot seem to smile at all, but wear a cloudy frown;
when I go dragging through the days because I feel so weak;
when I feel too unworthy Your loving face to seek. 
Remind me that Your love’s the same on dark days just as light; 
that this will pass and once again I’ll know that all is right.

 Glenda Collins Inman
