
Showing posts from 2020

The Wrong Road

There is a way that seems right to a man but the end is the way of death (Proverbs 16:25) Have you  ever been lost?  On a road that you thought was taking you in the right direction only to discover that it led the opposite way?  I have been.  Twice.  Though both were many years ago, I still get a squishy feeling in my stomach when I think how differently they could have turned out. Even though the two incidents happened years apart, they had a number of things in common.  Both took place while driving on less-than-familiar country roads.  Shortcuts to where I was going.  Both had Y’s in the road and each time I chose wrongly because it looked like the direction I needed to go.   And looked the most traveled.  But both ended in potential danger. The first took place in the 1960’s.  That time I ended up in a pasture where my right front tire fell into a deep hole.  When I tried to back out, the grass was wet with d...

Spring Is

Spring is a baby duckling as it waddles down the lane. Spring is green things growing over mountain, field and plane. Spring is water rushing down a mountainside, flowing to the sea below to join the swelling tide. Spring is flowers and grass and trees, decked out in colors new, beneath the rays of golden sun and skies of crystal blue. Spring is the buzzing of the bees, and singing of the birds; It’s love that’s young and beautiful, too deeply felt for words. Spring is the time when life is new, when winter’s storms have passed. Spring is the symbol of our youth which passes all too fast. Glenda Collins Inman (as published in EASTER IDEAL 1971)

When Mothers Pray

When mothers come to You in prayer, and with You all their burdens share, a world of wrongs You will make right, and heavy hearts You will make light. For mothers’ hearts are tuned to hear the unspoken cry, the unshed tear, the slightest wound to heart or pride, the silent plea for help that’s cried. When mothers pray their humble prayers, the world is saved from Satan’s snares. For there’s no greater force nor sway than what You send when mothers pray. Glenda Collins Inman

We Can Sleep On Easter Eve

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me  (John 14:1) I hadn’t slept all night which wasn’t unusual for an insomniac like me.  I intended to go to bed but as the evening wore on and my energy increased, I decided to work until I got sleepy.  The next day was Easter, and following morning worship we were having guests for dinner; there were still preparations I could make that night.  Hours passed but sleep didn’t come so I kept going.  It was satisfying to see my to do list shrink as the hours ticked by. About 5:00 the next morning, as I checked off the last item, it came to me that, all across the land, people were getting ready for sunrise services.  Our church wasn’t having one so I decided to have my own in our sun room, praying, meditating, and watching for the sun to rise. Easter that year fell on the first day of daylight savings time so there was very little light in the sky as I entered the darkened room. I a...

Thoughts for Easter

The story of Jesus -- His birth, life, death, burial and resurrection; His ministry and mission – has been depicted in many ways throughout the 2000+ years since He lived on Earth.  Artists have portrayed it in wood, stone, brass and pottery as well as charcoal, ink and paint of every color and hue. Literature has presented it in prose and poetry with dramas ranging from manger scenes to passion plays.  Music encompasses the scale with everything from cradle songs to stirring anthems.  Greeting cards and gift bags, ornaments and jewelry are available as well. Perhaps no life has ever been represented in such a wide array of mediums, and new ones continue to surface each year.  One of the simplest and most colorful can be found in a bag of jelly beans which are for sale in abundance around Easter.  These shiny, delicious little candies can represent many truths about Jesus as recorded in the Bible. White for the purity of His virgin mother: the angel Ga...

Spring Is...

Spring is a baby duckling  as it waddles down the lane. Spring is green things growing over mountain, field and plane. Spring is water rushing down a mountainside, flowing to the sea below  to join the swelling tide. Spring is flowers and grass and trees,  decked out in colors new, beneath the rays of golden sun and skies of crystal blue. Spring is the buzzing of the bees, and singing of the birds. It’s love that’s young and beautiful, too deeply felt for words. Spring is the time when life is new, when winter’s storms have passed. Spring is the symbol of our youth which passes all too fast. Glenda Collins Inman (as published in EASTER IDEAL 1971)

Strength in Weakness

He gives power to the weak, and to those  who have no might He increases strength                          (Isaiah 40:29) It’s not as I had planned it, Lord; so many things went wrong; I just feel weak and helpless when I planned to be so strong. I’ve had to count on others to help me through the day, when what I wanted most was strength to do things my own way. What a lesson You are teaching me; what in myself I see; how independent I’ve become, and how proud I’ve been to be. It isn’t necessary to be strong; to do it all myself. You’ve placed them here to fill the gap, left by my failing health. But most of all You’re teaching me that it’s Your heart’s desire, that I depend on You, my Strength, to lead me through each hour. (This is a poem I penned during a low time, health wise, in 2015. With all the sicknesses and weaknesses going around right now I think it bears reposting. Hopefully...

Be Different

walk worthy of the calling with which you were called (1 Thessalonians 2:12) When my family and I moved from Oklahoma to the southeast corner of Montana in 1972, we were in for quite a culture shock.  Moving into a fish bowl existence in a settlement of 65 families was one thing, but it was located 42 miles from the nearest town, 120 miles from a city, and with only one road in and out.  Added to that was the fact that we were restricted from going on any of the land that surrounded the village because it was owned by the Crow Indian tribe. Coming from a dry state, we were surprised by the amount of alcoholism among our neighbors as well as residents of the reservation.  Most activities and gatherings centered around heavy drinking. Being teetotalers, our social interactions were limited to say the least. We did not consider ourselves to be “southerners” but others did.  It was one more thing that set us apart in our neighbors’ thinking.  But there was...

True Love

His banner over me was love (Song of Solomon 2:4) Ladies, do you remember telling your fortune with a flower?  Holding it in your hand, plucking off the petals one by one while counting off “he loves me”, “he loves me not”? The last petal and statement was supposed to tell how a certain boy felt about you. Sometimes, I’m afraid, in our thinking we apply something similar to that to how God feels about us.  On our good days,when we are kind and thoughtful and useful --”He loves me”, while on the days when we are unkind, thoughtless, and surly--”He loves me not”.  When we are energetic and productive--”He loves me”. But let a day go by when we feel listless and accomplish very little--”He loves me not”. According to the Bible, this is not an accurate description of God’s love.  There we find that God is love   (I John 4:8)   Not just that God loves, but that His very essence is love itself. In other words, it is His nature to love. It may be hard f...

My Valentine Gift

Today’s the day love has first place in thoughts of young and old; when roses red and valentines and special gifts are sold. Candies shaped like little hearts, with messages that tell of secret loves or fortunes great, or maybe just say "swell". Tiny cupids made to hang in window or on doors, spread a showy festiveness, that brightens up the stores. Boxes shaped like pretty hearts, with lace and ribbons bright, filled with chocolates rich and dark, make such a pretty sight. Valentines of every kind, made for every taste; some for love and some for laughs, and some to cut and paste. Instead of choosing these for you, I’ll make a valentine, and on it write five little words: “Dear, I’m glad you’re mine.” There’s no need for fancy gifts my feelings to impart; these little words express the love that’s hidden in my heart. Glenda Collins Inman (written for my husband February 14, 1968 )

It's For their good

the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil (Isaiah 57:1) It is hard to understand when loved ones are taken in death, especially when they are young.  In that case, to us it seems they had much more life to live, and the world would have been better if they had not died so young. But we cannot know what their lives would have been like had they lived any longer. Mitch was only 16 when he realized his dream of earning his pilot’s license.  Two years later, as he was making a freight run in one of his father’s planes, something on the plane malfunctioned, and he and a buddy who had gone along for the ride, plunged to their deaths. At Mitch’s memorial service, the minister made a profound statement: “We say what a shame that Mitch died so young when he had so much more life to live.  But that isn’t correct.  From the beginning, Mitch’s life consisted of 18 years, and he lived out all of his days.” He went on to assure us mourners:  “Those of you...

Ancient Aliens

the woman came to her husband, saying,"A Man of God came to me,  and His countenance was like the countenance of the Angel of God" (Judges 13: 6) Do you believe in aliens from outer space?  Beings unlike ourselves who have existed for eons in a perfect environment? I’m don’t mean little green men or translucent creatures with huge eyes set in radish-shaped heads.  I mean intelligent beings from another dimension who are capable of taking on the appearance of human beings and interacting in one-on-one encounters with earthlings. If you believe the Bible, you do believe in such beings.  The Bible calls them angels and gives many accounts when they appeared to individuals with help or special messages from God.  Two such incidents are the angel who appeared to Mary, announcing that she would give birth to the Messiah, and those who proclaimed His birth to the shepherds.  Likewise, there have been many accounts in modern times of help arriving unexpect...

Winter Shall Pass

The winter is past, the rain is over and gone.   The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come,  and the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land  (Song of Solomon 2:11-12) Every year it happens.  Winter comes and seems to drag on forever.  The sun makes only brief appearances before disappearing behind thick layers of gray.  Dreary day follows dreary day until our spirits are as leaden as the winter sky.  Moisture is scarce and everything becomes dry and brittle.  When it does come, it is usually frozen or bone chilling. Sometimes we experience wintertime in our hearts.  Things seem bleak and we are inclined to withdraw and hibernate.  Joy and enthusiasm are as elusive as the winter sun as we trudge through the grind of daily living.  Just as winter birds do not sing, there is little music in our hearts.  We feel tense and quarrelsome.  Temperaments grow testy; conversations terse....

Food for Thought

God has promised to supply all our need, but He made no such promise concerning our greed.                     ** * * * ** If we want God’s power, we have to follow His plan.                   ** * * * ** Lord, when we face a task, help us to see not our weakness, but rather, Your strength.                  ** * * * ** The true nature of a person, like the colors of autumn leaves, is revealed by adverse circumstances.                 ** * * * * Thank You, Lord, for Your great love which we cannot understand. Help us love You more each day, until at Your throne we stand.                ** * * * ** You decide, Lord, for You know best, when we need work and when we need rest. Help us accept whichever You give, knowing they're needed for the lif...

The Lord is Using You

The things that you are doing may indeed seem small to you; and how the Lord may use them you may not have a clue. But the seeds that you are sowing will find root, and then one day may lead some child or adult to find the Living Way. So know that God is blessing each word, each smile, each deed, and will use them for His purpose in the lives He plans to lead. Glenda Collins Inman

God's Matchless Love

T he love of God cannot be measured nor compared to anything. Human minds can never fathom all the joy He wants to bring to our lives if we will let Him. When our hearts we open wide we can feel the warmth and comfort of His loving touch inside. Yes, the love of God is matchless in this world in which we live; for we feel we need to earn it while He simply wants to give. God of love, You are with us, irregardless of our worth. Help us feel Your loving Presence all the days we live on Earth Glenda Collins Inman

Food for Thought

With every gain there is a loss; each victory brings some type of cross. So make each choice most carefully; accept with grace its penalty.                 ** * * * ** I need not know just where or wh y or how or when twill be; it is enough to know God cares, and that He plans for me.                ** * * * ** Lord, help me not run toward my day until I have run to You.                ** * * * ** As the shades of night retreat from the light of day, so may the light of Your love, chase my darkness away. Shine in my heart and fill me anew, making my life  a reflection of You.             ** * * * ** Glenda Collins Inman

Ok is Not Ok

Talk no more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your mouth, For the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed (1 Samuel 2:3) “Just ok is not ok.”  It’s the tagline of a commercial currently airing on television. It reminds me of an incident that happened several years ago when I was a church secretary. Some of the women of the church were preparing bandages to send to missionaries overseas.  When I inquired of an older woman why she was ironing the strips of cloth before they were rolled into bundles, she said it was to sterilize them.  When I stated that ironing them wouldn’t make them sterile, she replied that at least they would be “partly sterile.” Unfortunately, while heat from the iron was making the bandages look neat, there is no such thing as “partly sterile.”  It would be like being partly pregnant.  No such critter exists. So it is with being partly right with God. When it comes to our relationship with Him, ok...

Perspective for the New Year

Ahead of us it stretches  a winding, unknown road that may be filled with pain or tears, or some heavy, dreadful load. But flowers will bloom in places; good friends we’ll often see; God’s grace will always be there; uplifting truths we’ll see. The future can be frightening when viewed as one expanse, but taking each day step-by-step the journey will enhance. Glenda Collins Inman