A Six Room House
A Six-Room House walk worthy of the calling with which you were called (Ephesians 4:1) In recent blogs, we have looked at our 2-fold beings -- the outer (physical) body and the inner (spiritual) nature. We have also looked at the picture of Jesus standing, knocking on the door of the heart, seeking admission to bring forgiveness of sin and new life to the inner being. Today I’d like to address what happens in the outer portion after the spiritual has been reborn. There are some who, not being able to grasp the concept of eternal security of salvation, would contend that if a person cannot lose their salvation by what they do, then it would be okay to sin all you want to. In reality, because salvation changes what my dad always referred to as our want to, believers no longer find enjoyment in sinful activities, but being human, sin more than we want to. Now that we have explored the dealings of the inner being, let’s take a look at the outer portion of ours...