
Showing posts from October 15, 2019

Peace of Mind

 Peace of Mind You will keep him in perfect peace,  whose mind is stayed on You                 (Isaiah 26:3) Lord, step-by-step You’ve said You’ll lead, and often proved You will, but questions come and haunt my mind, refusing to be still. I strain to see the path ahead until my eyes are sore, but rather than to calm my fears, it makes them haunt me more. What unknown perils lie ahead? Which pathway should I take? How can I know what I should do? There is so much at stake! Is now the time that I should act? Or am I still to wait? Is it good judgment or just fear that makes me hesitate? Questions! Questions! day and night! These and so many more, are tearing at my inner parts like enemies at war. The battle rages on unchecked until at last I find, that trusting in myself alone cannot bring peace of mind. For never can my finite mind see all the path ahead; I cannot know how to avoid the perils that...