
Showing posts from October 4, 2019

Perseverance Pays

You need to persevere so that when you have done  the will of God,  you will receive what He has promised  (Hebrews 10:36) When I come across Bible passages that refer to perseverance, I am often reminded of an incident that my family and I witnessed a number of years ago, involving a bear and an insulated thermos. We were living in southeast Montana where my husband was employed at Yellowtail Dam.  The lake had been built by spanning the Bighorn River, flooding its many canyons and ravines.  Walls up to 1000 feet rose from its floor on all sides, making access virtually impossible except by boat.  Once on the water, access to land was limited.  In fact, there was only one place to dock a boat and go ashore.  It was at the end of a peaceful ravine known as Black Canyon. Here, on a small plot of ground, surrounded on two sides by rock walls rising straight up for several hundred feet, the National Park Service had established and mainta...