
Showing posts from September 21, 2019

Growth Takes Time

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be  mature and complete, not lacking anything   (James 1:4) For the past few months I have been watching the apples on our tree change from tiny green, barely perceptible dots into reddish-green globes about the size of tennis balls.  This particular tree produces small apples so we don’t expect them to increase much in size, but we know from past experience that they are not ready to be picked until they turn deep crimson red. Thinking of the need for apples to mature before they are harvested puts me in mind of our spiritual development.  Both require protection from harmful elements and proper nourishment while growth is taking place.  Both must also have time to achieve their full potential. When nothing of consequence seems to come from our service for God, we have a tendency to feel that our efforts are ineffective; of little use to Him or His mission on Earth.  Spiritual growth seems to be...