
Showing posts from September 11, 2019

Flight vs. Fright

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,  even then Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me  (Psalm 139:9-10) He caught my eye and captured my attention – a large black bird perched atop the steel beam that held the traffic light over the heavily-traveled street.  The beam dipped and swayed in the ferocious wind, but the bird appeared totally undisturbed by his precarious position.  Watching, I grew fascinated.  Four lanes of traffic whizzed past only a few feet below him and a fall would have been fatal.  But the bird appeared as peaceful as if he were perched on a sturdy limb of a giant tree in some pastoral setting. For weeks I had been turning a number of matters over to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to bring them to their best conclusion, only to realize that almost immediately, I began to fret about them again.  I was as frustrated with my inability to leave them in His hands a...