God's Beautiful World
Be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create (Isaiah 65:18) How long has it been since you strolled through a flower garden? Or sat on a riverbank and watched dragonflies skimming above the water? When did you last stop to listen to a bird singing outside your window? Or watch a squirrel feasting on acorns from an oak tree? All around us is the beauty of God’s creation but too often we hurry past with blinded eyes and diverted attention. We become so preoccupied with the business of living that we fail to enjoy and appreciate the multi-colored, multi-faceted wonders around us. Though we may not live near a lush forest or a botanical garden, the wonders of God’s creation are none-the-less available to most of us in one form or another. Gazing out my window, I count more than 20 varieties of shrubs and trees in almost as many shades of yellow and green. Some are blossoming while others are already bearing fruit. Beds of flow...