Wait! Don't Run Ahead
Incline your ear and come to Me. Hear and your soul shall live (Isaiah 55:3) “Wait! Don’t run ahead of me! You might get lost…hurt…picked up by a stranger.” Have you ever heard yourself saying some of these things to a child of your own or one you are supervising? In truth, most of us would probably answer “yes.” Potential dangers waiting ahead, just out of visual range, make it unsafe and imprudent for a child to go off on their own. Adult supervision on a continual basis has become necessary even in so-called safe neighborhoods. Dangerous elements lurk all around our lives, too. Elements that would sell us into the slavery of drugs, alcoholism, pornography, gambling, adultery, family violence, contentions, gossip, unforgiveness, and greed to name only a few. They seek to bind us and hold us against our will, and we are powerless, in our own strength, to protect against such machinations of Satan. Only Jehovah God, ...