
Showing posts from September 3, 2019

Have Fun Today

This is the day the Lord has made.   Let us rejoice and be glad in it  (Psalm 118:24 . “Have fun today,” my husband said as we ended our phone conversation.  “I will,” I responded automatically, not registering what he had said until I turned to hang up the phone.  “Have fun today?” I mused aloud.  The very idea of having fun on a day when my lengthy “to do list” consisted mostly of routine activities, seemed somewhat incongruous.  “Be careful” or “Don’t forget to…” or even “Don’t spend too much money” would have been more in keeping with the day I had planned.  “Have fun?” I mumbled again as I scanned the lengthy list: 1. Call the insurance company for the third time about claims they had processed incorrectly. 2.  Call the hospital and two doctors’ offices about the outcome of #1. 3.  Return a call to a friend who was discouraged and had lots of questions after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. 4. Go t...