
Showing posts from August 30, 2019

You'll Know Me By the Smile on My Face

The old gospel song was playing on the radio.  I’d heard it many times over the years and on occasion had sung it myself.  Referring to believers’ upcoming reunion in Heaven, one line states “you’ll know me by the smile on my face.”  Will they? came the question to my mind.  Will people recognize me when I am smiling, or are they more accustomed to seeing something far different?  Do I go around frowning, fretting and fussing, or does Christ’s love, buried deep in my being, make its way to my facial features? It isn’t easy to smile when we encounter disappointment, confusion or pain.  There may even be times when it seems we will never smile again.  But God’s Word tells us that we can have joy that outshines even the circumstances that temporarily wipe the smile from our face: Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning  (Psalm 30:5) As children of God, we have every reason to smile.  At the moment we ask forgivene...