Viewpoint Determines Value
No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) “PEACEFUL GRAND CANYON,” the blurb on the back of the postcard read. “Even though the twisted limbs of a Juniper Pine, like the Canyon itself, offer testimony to the harshness of time and the elements, visitors feel the majestic peace of the Grand Canyon,” it promised. This site of wonder and beauty is visited each year by thousands of tourists from around the world. Each person who views the scene sees it from his or her own perspective, based on their viewpoint. For instance, a geologist, in awesome wonder, might see the colorful layers of exposed rocks as an opportunity to study the composition of Earth beneath its surface. If asked to place a dollar value on the site, he would undoubtedly find it impossible to do so. Any price, in his opinion, would be ridiculously insufficient. On the other hand, a farmer looking on the same scene from the same s...