Rest In Hope
Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope (Psalm 16:8-9) “I’m at the end of my rope.” “I’ve exhausted all my resources.” “I don’t know which way to turn.” “My hands are tied.” “There’s nothing else I can do.” “The decision is out of my hands.” “I feel helpless.” “I don’t see any way out.” “I can’t imagine how this can possibly turn out okay.” Sound familiar? At one time or another, we have probably all said something of this nature. In life, there will always be things to deal with -- circumstances beyond our control. Feelings of helplessness often lead to hopelessness which interferes with our ability to think healthy thoughts and experience peaceful emotions. When that happens, all areas of life are tainted, turning even sunny days dismal and gray. In our own strength it is virtually impossible to break out of the gloom that envelopes us....