Ponder Box
Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19) “Do you have a ponder box?” she asked the ladies in the breakout session of a retreat. To their puzzled expressions, she reminded them of Luke 2:19, which tells us that Mary had a ponder box which she must have used from time to time. During His lifetime on Earth, Mary would see her Son misunderstood, misquoted, denied and rejected by those who expected the Messiah to come in power, throw off the Roman rule, and set up an earthly kingdom. When Jesus did not meet their expectations, He was branded a blasphemer by the religious hierarchy, who eventually caused His death on the cross. Mary, being Jewish, had undoubtedly been brought up with the same beliefs about the Messiah. Over the next few years, there would be times when, as Jesus’ unfolding ministry failed to fit the pattern, questions must have come to her mind regarding the angel’s proclamation. “How could it ever become a reality?...