What You Do Really Does Matter
Do not grow weary in doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13) They’re back – the beautiful yellow jonquils that signal the end of winter and the arrival of spring.They seem to pop up everywhere; bravely withstanding the blustery winds and chilling temperatures that often occur in early Spring. How we welcome their annual arrival! There is a stretch of road not far from my home that I like to travel during this season of the year. At one particular spot, the road makes two sharp curves. Here anticipation rises because I know that just beyond the second bend lies a beautiful sight -- a meandering bed of lovely yellow blossoms growing against a background of lush green grass. They line the fence row and ditch along one side of the highway for about a quarter of a mile at which point they turn and follow a long lane that leads to a house set back in the woods. It seems that almost half a century ago, the woman who lived in the house had quite a green t...