
Showing posts from April 5, 2019

Has Your Salt Gone Flat?

You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness,  how can it be made salty again?   It is no longer good for anything,  except to be thrown out and trampled by men   (Matthew 5:13 NIV) Salt.  We all need it; some of us even crave it.  Refined salt, with it contents of sodium chloride, is essential for life, not only for humans and animals but for plants as well.  There are also a number of non-dietary uses for salt.  It can heal, preserve, and add flavor to our food. According to Wikipedia, only about 6% of the salt that is harvested goes into food, while of the remaining, 12% is used for water conditioning purposes, 8% goes to de-ice highways and other roadways, and another 6% is used in agriculture.  The remaining 68% is utilized for manufacturing and industrial purposes. Salt is a natural mineral rather than a manufactured substance.  A product of God’s nature.  It primarily grows on ...

Timing Is Everything

When you walk your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumb le  (Proverbs 4:12) Timing is everything, but learning to pace ourselves according to God’s timing is often difficult.  Many of us tend to feel that unless we are running full speed ahead, we are somehow failing Him and those around us. As a result, we become exhausted, and wish we could stop and catch our breath. Nowhere in the Bible does God instruct us to run until we drop.  Nowhere will we find a passage that includes the age-old guilt-maker “it’s better to burn out than to rust out.”  On the contrary, we are told that there are times to fly, times to run, and times to walk, but also times to wait: Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31) Left to our human logic, we may find ourselves vacillating between what we feel led to do, an...