Holiday Frenzy

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom
(Psalm 90:12)

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day make up what is frequently referred to as the Holiday Season.  It’s a special time of the year for many, but also a busy time.  So busy, in fact, that we can miss the joy of it all.  Perhaps it would be better if we scaled back the lesser things on the to-do list, and allowed ourselves to truly enjoy the important things like quality time with family and friends, and more intimate time with God.

In the end, when all is said and done, it will not be the quantity of things we did or gifts we gave, but rather the quality of time spent which determines the joy we experience.

Lord, I’ve got long lists to make.  Cookies to bake.  Cards to address and to mail.
Trips into town.  Scurry around, attending to every detail.
Gifts to be bought – special ones sought – wrapped and put under the tree.
So much to get done I’m having to run, with never a minute that’s free.
Carols to sing.  Church bells to ring.  Later and later to bed.
Schedules to keep. Unable to sleep with things spinning round in my head.
Holiday peace, when did it cease?  Where is the joy I once knew?
Lost in the mess. Extinguished by stress.  I just need to start out anew.
I’ll take time to pray.  To laugh and to play.  Resist the commercial demands.
I’ll take time to smile.  To rest for a while, and simplify holiday plans.
I’ll bask in the love of You, Father above. Let Your warmth shine out through me.
Then others will know by the love that I show, a life more abundant and free.

Glenda Collins Inman


  1. It’s like you saw my to-do list and wrote a poem about it! Great reminder of the Reason for the season. Thanks!


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