Thankful for the "All Things"

For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, 
to those who are called according to His purpose
  (Romans 8:28)

Several years before my dad died, I mentioned that Romans 8:28 had become something of a life motto for me.  I was surprised when he replied that it was also his father’s favorite verse and that he often quoted it when things went wrong.  When a piece of machinery broke or something else unfavorable happened, granddad would say to his sons, “Well, boys, this is just one of the “all things.”

It seems to come pretty naturally for us to thank God for the positive things that come along in life, but how often do we express our gratitude for the negative ones, especially when they assault us unexpectedly, and it seems there is no rhyme or reason for their happening?

Now, before I come off sounding like a Pollyanna who breezes through life with a “praise God anyway”, let me explain myself.  It isn’t that we want those circumstances or relish them when they come along.  It’s only when we claim God’s promise to make something good out of what seems only negative, that we are able to thank Him for it.

I learned this for myself during a very difficult time many years ago.  My husband had been diagnosed with a non-treatable health issue whose prognosis sent him into a deep depression.  It was one morning during that time, as I was having private time with the Lord, that I ran across Romans 8:28. Perhaps I had read it at some time in the past, I don’t remember, but when I saw it that particular morning, it seemed to jump right off the page and into my heart.

I’m not sure how correct it is to challenge God but that’s exactly what I did that morning.  I said, “God, I don’t see how anything good can possibly come from what we are going through right now, but I am claiming Your promise, and before I die I am holding You to it, to show me at least one benefit that has come from this situation.”

I have never been more serious or upfront with God than I was in that moment.  I turned the matter over to Him, placing all my confidence in His faithfulness.  And I thanked Him, not for the circumstances, but for how He was going to use it for good, either in my life or in the life of someone else.

Peace that I had not experienced before replaced my sadness and gave me new courage to urge my husband to seek the help needed to lead him out of the dark place where he had been living.

It would be nice to say that everything turned around that morning as I surrendered to God’s plan for our lives, but God has His own timetable and some time may pass before we are able to see His promises fulfilled.  But in the meantime, when we trust our ways to His discretion, we can experience peace that is beyond human reason or comprehension:

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, 
because he trusts in You 
(Isaiah 26:3)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, 
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding 
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus 
(Philippians 4:6-7 emphasis mine)

It didn’t happen overnight but gradually things did get better.  And as a result of what we went through, our relationship grew even stronger.  On more than one occasion in the years since, I have been able to empathize with, and encourage others -- one of the many benefits I have realized as a result of my prayer of surrender to God’s authority that day.

Now I try to remind myself to look for at least one good thing about whatever is going on in my life, and I often encourage others to do the same.  Sometimes we aren’t able to see anything at first, but we can trust God to reward our confidence in His wise handling of every matter that comes our way.

There are always things for which we can thank Him, even though not everything is as we would want it to be.  And by the time we get through thanking Him for His blessings, there may not be time to complain.

Lord, all the time I spend complaining to my family and my friends,
about the things that go awry that never seem to end,
is time I could be talking and listening to You, Lord,
claiming all the promises and strengths found in Your Word.
Teach me, Lord, to thank You for the “all things” You allow.
This really is my heart’s desire, so please, Lord, teach me how.

Glenda Collins Inman
