The Upward Climb

The Lord is leading me along
a trail I’ve never been,
and I am finding it so rough
I have to cling to Him.

He did not force, I asked to come,
I longed the view to see,
but now I’m questioning the path
on which He’s leading me.

It’s just that I had visualized
a gently sloped incline,
with flowers to pick along the way,
as I strolled through the pines.

Instead, the twisting, rock-strewn trail
that marks my upward climb,
takes all my courage, patience, strength,
and so much precious time.

The sun that shone so bright below,
is hidden now by clouds;
direction is all lost to me;
fear-thoughts my senses crowd.

My shoes, so comfortable before,
have rubbed my sore feet raw;
the dampness of the wind-chilled air,
seems at my limbs to gnaw.

The mist that shrouds the path ahead,
makes everything look bleak;
and yet my Guide bids me press on
toward some unseen peak.

As courage wanes, with steps unsure,
distressed, my spirit cries,
and asks the Lord, “Where am I now?”
He helps me realize

I’m on a misty mountainside,
not in the valley of despair,
and though I cannot see His face,
my faithful Guide is there.

The view I sought is just ahead,
and it will seem more grand,
because of every step it took,
upon this spot to stand.

Beyond this peak are other views
that call me higher still;
and with each one I climb I’ll gain
new patience, courage, skill,

And always as I upward climb,
though clouds the path may hide,
my patient, loving Lord is there,
my faltering steps to guide.

He’s been this way, He knows the trail,
its every turn and twist,
and He can see the sun that shines
above the veiling mist.

Glenda Collins Inman


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