Proper Balance

And we know that all things work together for good to those 
who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose
(Romans 8:28)

I don't know about you, but gloomy days really get to me.  When the sun doesn't shine, all I want to do is curl up in a dark corner with a good book and go to sleep.  Yet, such days are necessary.  And never more so than when summer drags on and the sun continues to beat down relentlessly, as in the case of this year when it began to seem that autumn weather would never come.

On days such as these, it is a real blessing to have a period of time when overcast skies bring temporary relief from the heat.  So it is in life.

Not everything will be cheerful and upbeat.  There are times when we encounter setbacks and disappointments in one area of life or another.  When that happens, it may seem as if we are just treading water, getting nowhere.  We may wish we could just withdraw from activities and responsibilities.  However, it is helpful to remember that such times do not last forever.  Just as on gloomy days, the sun may suddenly shine through, and all will seem right again.

Strangely enough, even the gloomy periods of life can be useful when we rest in God's faithfulness to carry out His promise to make everything we encounter beneficial. 

How I hate the cloudy days,
with dismal skies of gray.  
How I long for sunshine bright
to chase the clouds away.
And yet whenever there's a drought,
and the earth cries out in thirst, 
how I long some hint of ran
into the blue to burst.
Or when we're laboring in the sun,
strength draining from the heat,
the tiniest cloud that gives relief,
with grateful smile we greet.
So often in our Christian walk
our skies are overcast;
we get discouraged and we act
as if t'were there to last.
We do need sun to help us grow,
but too much sun will burn;
The Planter knows how much and when,
and this we need to learn.
The clouds aren't there because we've sinned
or disobeyed His will.
They're there that we may come aside,
and hear His voice so still.
The Voice that carries comfort, cheer,
or teaches something new;
that points the way, or tells us what's
the next thing we're to do.
So send the cloudy skies, Dear Lord,
whenever You see fit.
Whatever purpose that they have,
help me to grow from it.

Glenda Collins Inman
