One-Stop Shopping
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the man of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work
(2 Timothy 3:16).
In this there can be seen an analogy of the Christian life. When our desire is to mature as God’s children, we realize we must study to do so. However, unless we are careful in our quest for knowledge, we can become like the harried shopper who scurries from place to place in search of things that are actually available in one location.
Countless numbers of books have been written, and thousands are published each year, covering every aspect of the Christian life. Most are written by credible authors and contain information that can be helpful. In and of themselves, they are beneficial.
However, with so many books, and limited time and money, it is hard to know which ones to purchase. We may find ourselves perusing the shelves of the local book store, bewildered by the many possibilities.
If this dilemma sounds familiar, take heart. It may be time to do some one-stop shopping. As good and helpful as other books may be, they can never replace our need to study God’s Word:
Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman
that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth
(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)
Its pages are filled with triumphs and tragedies; adventures and misadventures of people who lived and loved, made mistakes and learned lessons just as we do. Some were good and some evil; some wise and others foolish; and in them we see, and hopefully, better understand ourselves. We can learn from their mistakes, and strive to emulate their successes.
But most importantly, the Bible teaches us that God is love and offers forgiveness for our failure to live up to His standard of perfection. It points out wrong turns; tells how to rectify mistakes, and how to start over again. And the Author Himself is always available to clarify, enlighten and expound on what is recorded there, provided we are willing to read it in faith and humility.
So, the next time you are hungry for spiritual food but aren’t sure where to get the best value for your investment, why not do some one-stop shopping? Chances are you already have at least one copy somewhere in your home. Bon Appetit!
Lord, lead me to the Bible which is laying on the shelf.
Help me read and understand it and there to see myself.
The good, the bad, the in-between of lives recorded there
are examples of the common things we human beings share.
Please teach me from its pages the things You’d have me learn.
Help me come to know You better, and for Your truths to yearn.
Glenda Collins Inman
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