
Showing posts from October, 2019

Healing for the Pain

Healing for the Pain Have mercy on me, Oh Lord, for I am weak; Oh Lord, heal me for my bones are troubled... I am weary with my groaning; all night I make my bed swim; I drench my bed with my tears  (Psalm 6:2,6) I cannot say I know Your pain, nor can I fully feel it; because I have not walked your mile,  I have no words to heal it. Only one who's suffered in  the way you're suffering now can comfort you and speak with love  the words to show you how. God is a Parent Whose only Child  came to a tragic end, and as such He can understand  and healing comfort send. He said, "It will not all be loss,  for from your tragedy  I'll cause much good to come about  if you'll just trust in Me. We cannot see the way He plans  to bring this promise true, but God has never failed His Word  and He'll not start with you! May all His power descend on you  each time your spirit cries...

Help for Change

As He Who called you is holy,You also be holy in your conduct,  because it is written,“Be holy as I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16) A few days ago we looked at how Jesus stands at the heart’s door, knocking, wanting to come in, bringing forgiveness of sin and new life in the inner (spiritual) being.  Jesus referred to this as being “born again.”  Scripture assures us that this new life, often referred to as “being saved,” is eternal and nothing nor anyone can take it away: I give them eternal life, and they shall not perish;  neither shall anyone snatch  them out of My hand.   My Father, Who has given them to Me,  is greater than all  and no one is able to  snatch them  out of My Father’s hand (John 10:28-29) So it is that nothing done in the outer (physical) body brings about new birth (salvation), and nothing done in the physical body will cause us to lose that salvation.  Does that mean it doesn’t matter what w...

The Upward Climb

The Lord is leading me along a trail I’ve never been, and I am finding it so rough I have to cling to Him. He did not force, I asked to come, I longed the view to see, but now I’m questioning the path on which He’s leading me. It’s just that I had visualized a gently sloped incline, with flowers to pick along the way, as I strolled through the pines. Instead, the twisting, rock-strewn trail that marks my upward climb, takes all my courage, patience, strength, and so much precious time. The sun that shone so bright below, is hidden now by clouds; direction is all lost to me; fear-thoughts my senses crowd. My shoes, so comfortable before, have rubbed my sore feet raw; the dampness of the wind-chilled air, seems at my limbs to gnaw. The mist that shrouds the path ahead, makes everything look bleak; and yet my Guide bids me press on toward some unseen peak. As courage wanes, with steps unsure, distressed, my spirit cries, and asks the Lord, “Where am I ...

A Knock at the Door

Look!  I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears Me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him, and he with Me   (Revelation 3:20 - Living Bible) There is a picture that is familiar to many of us who grew up in church because, through the years, copies of it hung on the walls of churches across the nation.  It is a depiction of Jesus knocking on the exterior of a door, in front of which overhanging ivy forms the outline of a heart.  An interesting feature of the door is that there is no door knob on the outside. The absence of an exterior door knob is indicative of the fact that Jesus does not force Himself on anyone.  He simply knocks on the heart’s door of the inner (spiritual) being and waits to be invited in.  If He is allowed to come in, He brings a relationship that is intensely warm, personal, and eternal. Lord, thank You for knocking on my door, asking to come in; for en...

Food for Thought

God has promised to supply all our needs,      but He made no such promise concerning our greed.       ** * * * ** If we want God’s power we have to follow His plan.     ** * * * ** Lord, when I look at a task, help me to see Your strength, and not my weakness. ** * * * ** The true nature of a person, like the color of autumn leaves, is revealed by adverse circumstances. ** * * * ** Prayer provides the power that permits progress. ** * * * ** Plans positively progress provided prayer precedes. ** * * * ** Lord, help me not run toward my day until I have run to You, ** * * * ** Peacefulness and Contentment are well acquainted for they often lodge together in the truly thankful heart. ** * * * ** A surrendered will is the first step to a transformed lifestyle. ** * * * ** Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to make  something good out of everything, including m...

It's a Family Matter

“I am the way, the truth, and the life... no one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6) “After all, we’re all God’s children,” I overheard a woman say as I passed a group of ladies. If only it were so, I thought to myself.  Unfortunately, according to God’s Word, that simply isn’t the case.  While it is true that we are all products of His creation, we are not all members of His family kingdom. Lest I sound like a religious elitist who believes that only certain people deserve the privilege of belonging to His family, let me hasten to assure that the exact opposite is true.  Membership in God’s family is open to everyone.  It is not His will that anyone be left out: The Lord is...not willing that any should perish  but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten (born-to-Him) Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16) ...

The Old Lion

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks  about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) It has been noted that only old lions roar when they are hunting food.  Because they are no longer capable of running as fast as they once were, in order to catch their prey, they roar in an effort to frighten it into inactivity, even momentarily, to increase their chances of making the kill. Old lions are not as powerful, and may not have as many teeth as in their younger days, so while they are still dangerous and frightening, they are much less so. Satan acts in much the same way.  His tactic is to frighten us, to keep us upset, stressed, and worried, so that our lives are less peaceful and productive.  But Satan cannot hurt us if we stay centered in God’s will and look to Him for guidance and protection. Although it is true there is always the possibility that our outer (physical) bodies can be injured or destroyed, our i...

I'll Do My Part

the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) Isn’t humbling when your grown children say something to you that is so right on it turns your way of thinking in a whole new direction?  For instance, the time a while back when I was feeling a little down and mentioned to one of my daughters that I felt like my life had not made a difference for good. “Mom,” she said patiently, “you’re like a farmer that planted a row of seed and at the end of the row, turned around and looked, expecting to see a full-grown crop.” Wow! What a wise analogy.  I acknowledged that she was right, thanked her, and determined to remember her word picture any time the feeling returned. Later, I was able to pen the idea into a poem.  I share it here because it seems we all have times when we wonder just how effective our efforts really are. My job is just to sow the seed God’s given me to sow; the harvest I may never see while living here below. One by one I’ll plant His seed wherever I’m assi...

Beauty in Adversity

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven                 ...He has made everything beautiful in its time                                           Ecclesiates 3:1,11 Autumn beauty blazes bright across the rolling hills: golds and reds and mauve and rust from every hillside spill. In awe we watch them as they grow more beautiful every day,  scarcely mindful of the things that make them turn that way. No gentle breeze or warming sun has made the scene we see, but chilling winds and shortened days bring colors to the trees. Adversity is what it takes to show them at their best, for now, with colors so diverse, each stands out from the rest. So may it be in my own like, in each adversity, that others, looking on my plight, God’s beauty there may see. Glenda Collins Inman

Driving through Rainbows

I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.  It shall be, the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh;  the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh (Genesis 9:13-15) Have you ever driven through a rainbow?   I wouldn’t have thought it possible until it happened to my husband and l several years ago. We were driving on I44 just west of Joplin, MO, late one afternoon when it happened.  It had been raining earlier in the day and a heavy mist shrouded the area, when we noticed a faint rainbow hovering low over the highway ahead. As we approached, it became apparent that we were going to drive right through it.  Sure enough, in just a few minutes, we found ourselves enveloped in a pale pinkish mist in which there were dots of a darker hue. The mist covered every inch of the air ...

No Strength of My Own

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. for our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name                 (Psalm 33:21) Lord, I need my strength to carry out the duties of the day, but sickness has invaded me, and taken it away. At first I was content to lie and rest upon my bed; to close my mind against the thoughts that clamored in my head. “Tomorrow I’ll feel better. ‘That’s soon enough to see “to all I’ve had to leave undone “which now is haunting me.” But when tomorrow came and I felt just as yesterday, the patience that had buoyed me dissolved and flowed away. With eyes turned in upon myself I lashed myself with doubt: “Would I feel better if I’d dress, “get up and move about?”  Perhaps at times that therapy may be the thing to do, but far too often time has proven the opposite is true. Time and rest are what I need to let my body heal; not pushing, pro...

The Strength I Need

He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength          (Isaiah 40:29) I looked inside myself for strength to get me through the day, but could not find one single ounce to aid me on my way. I looked to those whom I love best, whom I considered strong, and found to my surprise they, too, were struggling along. At last I lifted up my eyes, and saw Your gentle smile, and realized You’d waited there, watching all the while. And then I heard Your tender voice, You spoke so lovingly: “All the strength you’ll ever need “is waiting here in Me. “So come to Me and ask of Me, “and let Me give to you, “the strength and courage that you need “to see each new day through.” And He said to me, “My grace is  sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness         (2 Corinthians 12:9)          Glenda Collins Inman

Peace of Mind

 Peace of Mind You will keep him in perfect peace,  whose mind is stayed on You                 (Isaiah 26:3) Lord, step-by-step You’ve said You’ll lead, and often proved You will, but questions come and haunt my mind, refusing to be still. I strain to see the path ahead until my eyes are sore, but rather than to calm my fears, it makes them haunt me more. What unknown perils lie ahead? Which pathway should I take? How can I know what I should do? There is so much at stake! Is now the time that I should act? Or am I still to wait? Is it good judgment or just fear that makes me hesitate? Questions! Questions! day and night! These and so many more, are tearing at my inner parts like enemies at war. The battle rages on unchecked until at last I find, that trusting in myself alone cannot bring peace of mind. For never can my finite mind see all the path ahead; I cannot know how to avoid the perils that...

My Comfort

My Comfort The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in Whom I will trust                         (Psalm 18:2) It hurt, Lord, and I cried… You held me close, and dried up all my tears. I was frightened, Lord… You gave me courage, took away my fears. Sickness came, strength disappeared… Your hand reached out, my health returned again. Trials came, I was overwhelmed… I heard Your voice, abiding peace flowed in. When I looked up to thank You, Lord, I saw another’s need. Help me reach out and take their hand and to You, Dear Lord, lead, that they may find the things I’ve found while anchored in Your love: Comfort, healing, courage, strength, eternal home above. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,  Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any ...

Have You Ever Been Thirsty?

As the deer pants for the water brook, so pants my soul for You, O God (Psalm 42:1) Have you ever been thirsty?  I mean really thirsty.  The type of dry mouth where your inner lips stick to the sides of your teeth, making it difficult to talk?  Your throat is so parched it hurts? Those of us who take certain medication may experience that level of thirst. There is another type of thirst that we sometimes experience, perhaps without realizing it.  It is thirst of a spiritual nature. The Holy Spirit, living inside believers, creates a thirst - a desire - for more and more of Jesus and His Word. Looking at what is involved in quenching our physical thirst, we can see a picture of what it takes to satisfy the spiritual thirst. Physically speaking, most of us don’t think about getting a drink until we realize we are thirsty. When our body is crying out for water, we may turn, instead, to something else - tea, coffee, lemonade, soda, or even food.  Even ...

Are You in Danger?

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your  good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16) The horror that erupted in the halls of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, shocked and saddened our nation, and brought us face-to-face once again with the reality that evil forces are at work among us.  That occurred over two decades ago, and since then there have been many such happenings around the world in which Christians are sought out and murdered for their beliefs. It is hard to fathom that this could be happening even in our own country, but eye witness accounts of the slaying of one particular student at Columbine High leaves little room for doubt that it is true. Rachel Scott, a seventeen year old student, was among the victims killed in the terrorist attack by two students who, armed with more than thirty homemade explosives, two sawed-off shotguns, a semi automatic rifle and a semiautomatic handgun, stormed the halls and classr...

Are You a Horn Blower?

As you go step by step, the way will open up before you  (Proverbs 4:12 Hebrew Version) Construction Zone Road Work Ahead Slow Down Be Prepared to Stop One Lane Expect Delays Signs bearing these messages have become a part of daily life here in the Ozarks.  With the ever-increasing number of visitors and new residents in the area, traffic congestion has made it necessary to widen existing streets  and highways, and build new ones.   Most drivers seem to accept the resulting delays as temporary inconveniences for much needed improvements.  But occasionally, a driver demonstrates impatient frustration.  Take, for instance, the driver of a large van that was behind me recently. As we approached an intersection where work was underway ahead, orange plastic barrels barracked the right and left lanes, merging us into the center lane.  Half a block ahead, the light was red when I pulled into line behind several other cars. ...

Proper Balance

And we know that all things work together for good to those  who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28) I don't know about you, but gloomy days really get to me.  When the sun doesn't shine, all I want to do is curl up in a dark corner with a good book and go to sleep.  Yet, such days are necessary.  And never more so than when summer drags on and the sun continues to beat down relentlessly, as in the case of this year when it began to seem that autumn weather would never come. On days such as these, it is a real blessing to have a period of time when overcast skies bring temporary relief from the heat.  So it is in life. Not everything will be cheerful and upbeat.  There are times when we encounter setbacks and disappointments in one area of life or another.  When that happens, it may seem as if we are just treading water, getting nowhere.  We may wish we could just withdraw from activities and r...

Jesus, The Good Shepherd (part 2)

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death - It was sometimes necessary for sheep to pass through dangerous areas – places frequented by robbers and wild animals. But the good shepherd would be on the alert against such hazards.  For believers, members of Christ’s flock, even death cannot separate us from God’s love and provision. (Romans 6:23) I will fear no evil – When we, through faith in Jesus’ sacrificial death, are in a love relationship with God, there is nothing to fear, for He is greater than anything that can hurt us. (1 John 4:18-19) For You are with me – God is greater than anything we may face.  He may not calm the storm we encounter but He walks through it with us and gives us the power to endure. (1 John 4:4) Your rod – The shepherd’s rod was a weapon of protection against predators.  God’s protection is over His people, fending off Satan’s attacks. (Psalm 32:7) And Your staff – The staff was used to keep the sheep from going ...

Jesus, the Good Shepherd (part 1 of 2)

Psalm 23 (part 1 of 2) The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures;  He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul;  He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake    (Psalm 23:1-3) My dad, a bi-vocational preacher/stock man, from time-to-time owned a small flock of sheep.  So it was that I wanted to pick his brain regarding this passage written by King David, a former sheep herder himself.  Following our discussion, with a broader understanding of these unique creatures, God allow me this application: The Lord – (Whose name is) Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…of the increase of (Whose) government and peace there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:6-7) Is – present positive tense.  Not maybe , hopefully , might be , but is now at work (Hebrews 10:23) My – personal, possessive pronoun.  I belong to Him and He belongs to m...

Perseverance Pays

You need to persevere so that when you have done  the will of God,  you will receive what He has promised  (Hebrews 10:36) When I come across Bible passages that refer to perseverance, I am often reminded of an incident that my family and I witnessed a number of years ago, involving a bear and an insulated thermos. We were living in southeast Montana where my husband was employed at Yellowtail Dam.  The lake had been built by spanning the Bighorn River, flooding its many canyons and ravines.  Walls up to 1000 feet rose from its floor on all sides, making access virtually impossible except by boat.  Once on the water, access to land was limited.  In fact, there was only one place to dock a boat and go ashore.  It was at the end of a peaceful ravine known as Black Canyon. Here, on a small plot of ground, surrounded on two sides by rock walls rising straight up for several hundred feet, the National Park Service had established and mainta...


TWO-IN-ONE You must be born again (John 3:3) Does the idea of a second birth seen impossible to you?  If so, you are in good company.  Nicodemus, to whom Jesus spoke these words, was a Hebrew scholar of the highest religious order in Jerusalem, yet he had never heard of such a concept.  After all, it is completely contrary to the human way of thinking.   How can a man be born when he is old?  Can he enter a second time into his mother's  womb and be born? he asked Jesus.  (John 3:4) To understand what Jesus was talking about, it is helpful to go back to the beginning of time, to the creation of Adam, the very first human: the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and  breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being   Genesis 2:7) This passage is familiar to most of us; so familiar, in fact, that it is easy to miss an important fact.  Adam, the forerunner of...