Walking By Faith


We walk by faith, not by sight
(2 Corinthians 5:7)

The Christian life is not the easiest to live but it is the most rewarding here on Earth as well as in eternity.  There are many concepts about what  that life consists of and how to illustrate it.  We can compare it to earthly things as Jesus did in His parables.  One such illustration of walking by faith is to that of a tight rope walker.  Here are a few things included in that word picture:

Foundation - Every structure must be formed on a good foundation.  No rope walker would be foolish enough to erect his equipment on shifting sand.  Likewise, Jesus is the foundation on which the Christian life is built:

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ 
(1 Corinthians 3:11)

Jesus gave an example of this truth when he spoke of a house being built on a rock vs on sand.  He said the one built on a rock will withstand the storms of life.  Throughout scripture, Jesus is referred to as being the Rock and the only One by which we can be saved:

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name 
under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
(Acts 4:12)

When a person admits their failure to meet God's standard of perfection, and their inability to do so by themselves, and asks for forgiveness in Jesus' name, Christ forgives them and becomes the foundation on which a new (spiritual) life takes place.

Rope/Cable - As the name implies, a rope or cable is a vital piece of equipment for the walker's performance.  It is narrow and requires that their walk be intent.  In the picture of the faith walker, the rope represents the one-on-One fellowship that the born again believer has with Jesus.

Supports - The rope must be attached to supports of some type, often poles, and must keep the cable taut.  The faith walker also needs supports to keep his fellowship with Jesus tight.  In this case, the two poles represent prayer and Bible Study.  When these become lax, the fellowship will not be as easy to maintain.  Like the rope walker whose cable begins to sag, our steps will become unsteady and we may fall out of step with Him.

Safety net - While some rope walkers are foolhardy enough to perform without a safety net, those who realize they are not invincible, include one as an essential part of their equipment.  Likewise,  God, aware of the weakness of human nature, foresaw the need to provide a safety net in the Person of the Holy Spirit Who comes to live in believers' inner (spiritual) being at the moment of salvation, bringing new life and guaranteeing forever that they are members of God's eternal family:  

And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; 
neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.  My Father 
Who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and 
no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.  
I and My Father are one.
(John 10:28-30)

So, even though the believer's day-to-day contact with Jesus begins to lag, because of the Spirit Who lives within and guarantees eternal security, the believer does not destroy the foundation on which his spiritual life is built. The Spirit cajoles and convicts to restore the daily fellowship through repentant prayer and Bible reading.

Clothing - The type of clothing worn by the rope walker is important to his ability to perform well.  It must not be so lose that it impairs his movements.  It also needs to be attractive enough to enhance his appearance.Believers are instructed to wear certain 'apparel'...not in the outer (physical) sense but in the inner (spiritual) person.  Garments like humility, honesty, kindness, tenderheartedness, and love. (Galatians 5:22-23). When non-believers view our lives -- how we live and how we treat others -- these qualities should present Christianity in an attractive light.

Shoes - The tight rope walker wears special shoes that are designed to aid his performance.  They are soft in order to help him balance.  The feet of the believer are to be 'shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.' (Ephesians  6:15).  In other words, we are to be actively sharing the good news of salvation to those around us, not by forcing it down their throats but with a soft heart that cares about their plight.

Balance pole - Not every rope walker uses a pole to help maintain his balance, but it can be immensely helpful.  As members of God's family, it is important that we interact with our spiritual siblings.  Just as in physical families, we can act  as a balancing agent for each other as we give and receive encouragement, confirmation, and/or direction.  Our fellowship with Christ is diversely affected when we fall out of fellowship with each other.

Focus - The one performing on a tight rope must have a point(s) of reference in order to maintain his balance.  Should he take his eyes off that spot(s), and begin to look around or down, he will lose his balance and spoil his performance.  Born again believers' point of reference is Jesus Christ.  If we begin to look around to see what others are doing, try to emulate their performance, compare ourselves to them, or work to obtain their approval, it will spoil what God wants to do in our lives.

Lord, You've said the way is narrow like the rope the walker uses,
and the culture of our day Your simple truth confuses.
Help us build on the foundation that You've laid for everyone,
by trusting in the sacrifice of Your own perfect Son.
Help us once we're born again to focus on Your love, 
so that our daily lives will mirror Jesus Christ above.

Glenda Collins Inman
