Wait! Don't Run Ahead
Incline your ear and come to Me. Hear and your soul shall live
(Isaiah 55:3)
Potential dangers waiting ahead, just out of visual range, make it unsafe and imprudent for a child to go off on their own. Adult supervision on a continual basis has become necessary even in so-called safe neighborhoods.
Dangerous elements lurk all around our lives, too. Elements that would sell us into the slavery of drugs, alcoholism, pornography, gambling, adultery, family violence, contentions, gossip, unforgiveness, and greed to name only a few. They seek to bind us and hold us against our will, and we are powerless, in our own strength, to protect against such machinations of Satan. Only Jehovah God, the Highest Power in existence, has the ability to guard us against temptations and their entrapment.
Like children eager for independence, we often run ahead of God, ignoring His warning to wait for instructions before making decisions or carrying out plans. We become so intent on achieving a desired goal that we fail to heed the urgency of His command. And while we may escape obvious harm, there is always a price to pay for disobedience. Even if we realize our aspiration, the words of the psalmist will be true of us:
They did not wait for His counsel…
and He gave them their request
but sent leanness into their soul
(Psalm 106 13,15)
I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain
(Isaiah 49:4)
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret—
it only causes harm.Those who wait on the Lord,
they shall inherit the earth
(Psalm 37:7-9)
allowed to choose the path and pace that seems the best to me.
But there are dangers up ahead -- dangers I can’t see;
and I become ensnared by sin whenever I break free.
So, keep me ever at Your side and down on bended knee,
that I may know Your perfect will and claim Your guarantee.
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