Living By Christ's Law
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ
(Galatians 6:2)
These may not be consciously entertained thoughts but we have only to watch our reactions when the opposite is true to realize that we have a tendency to labor under this misconception. We are hurt and upset when we do not receive the same consideration as that which we extend. After all, isn't turnabout is fair play.
That may be our way of thinking, but it is not God’s. His Word reminds us that there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death (separation) (Proverbs 14:12)
What Galatians 6:2 really says is that we are to be there for others; to listen and understand; and to be empathetic with their situation. This much we readily acknowledge but it is the remainder of the verse that can easily escape our attention: and so fulfill the law of Christ.
We are to become burden bearers, not in order to receive anything but to live out the law of Christ’s kingdom. Any other agenda on our part makes us law breakers in the eyes of our Lord.
Jesus tells us that This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you (John 15:12). He didn’t wait for us to love Him but while we were still His enemies He gave up everything to provide salvation for us:
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that
while we were still sinners,Christ died for us
(Romans 5:8)
I was trying to be helpful and her crushing burden share,
but she lashed at me with hurtful words that I found hard to bear.
I wanted just to understand and help relieve her grief,
but her demeanor seemed so hurtful and stymied all relief.
The words she spoke, the things she did, rebuked my helping hand
to such degree that I lost sight of the comfort I had planned.
I hugged my hurt and felt it right that she apologize;
when she did not I could feel my temper start to rise.
I wanted to lash back at her; the words came hot and quick;
in hurt and anger I was ripe an argument to pick.
But gently, softly came Your Word, reminding me to be
an instrument through which You work to set the burdened free.
I’m not to do so to be loved or given back in kind,
but so that I can honor You; obey in heart and mind.
Lord, take away my selfishness and need to be affirmed,
that I can live according to this lesson that I’ve learned.
Glenda Collins Inman
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