Growth Takes Time
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be
mature and complete, not lacking anything
(James 1:4)
Thinking of the need for apples to mature before they are harvested puts me in mind of our spiritual development. Both require protection from harmful elements and proper nourishment while growth is taking place. Both must also have time to achieve their full potential.
When nothing of consequence seems to come from our service for God, we have a tendency to feel that our efforts are ineffective; of little use to Him or His mission on Earth. Spiritual growth seems to be at a standstill, and we feel that God has sidelined us. In such frame of mind, we may overlook the many passages in which He reminds us to wait on Him.
God is the all-wise Keeper of the fruit that stems from His children’s lives. He is constantly aware of the degree to which we have matured, and at just the right moment, gathers us for His purposes:
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them
(Ephesians 2:10)
Some of the young children in our neighborhood seem drawn to our apple tree. They find it hard to resist picking the apples once they turn red. They do not realize how much better the taste will be in a few weeks. So, too, we are tempted to rush ahead of God, engaging in a new area of ministry or straining to see results from our present place of service before we are fully prepared.
Waiting is not a natural part of our human nature. We want to see results and we want to see them now. But waiting periods will not seem so long if we remember that every day, under God’s supervision, we get closer to the time of harvest. Patience and faith in His wisdom will be rewarded either during our lifetime on Earth or in eternity, when we see the ways He has used the fruit of our labor to feed the hungry world.
Silently, slowly, unseen by the eye,
the fruit is becoming mature;
ready for harvest, ready for use,
ready for You to procure.
Help me wait patiently day after day
while You Yourself tend to my fruit.
Let me not question the timing You choose,
and never Your will refute.
Remind me harvest time comes more than once,
as soon as the ripening’s complete;
then, if my will is submissive to Yours,
the process of growth will repeat.
Lord, may the fruit You produce in my life,
be as good as You know it can be.
Let it bring pleasure and beauty and joy;
fill somebody’s hunger through me.
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