Now...Be In It

My daughters and a couple of friends came home one day laughing about a sign they had seen.  It read simply “Life…Be In It!"  Although as young adults they understood the meaning behind the slogan, it none-the-less struck them as humorously redundant, and touched off a barrage of puns that lasted for weeks.

Later, as I was talking with a friend about the importance of living in the present rather than looking back at the past with regret, or the future with apprehension, I coined still another version of the slogan: "Now…Be In It!"

Often we make the mistake of wasting the only time that is ever at our disposal – the present – by looking back at the past or straining to see into the future.  Our conversations are laced with references to the good old days, or the what ifs.  Jesus addressed this human tendency by stressing the importance of regarding life as now. To those distracted by the past He said:

No one, having put his hand to the plow, 
and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God
 (Luke 9:62)

To others, overly concerned about the future, He instructed:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 
and all these things shall be added to you. 
 Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, 
for tomorrow will worry about its own things. 
 Sufficient for the day is its own trouble
 (Matthew 6:33-34)

Was Jesus inferring that we are to forget the past and ignore the future? No, this oversimplification is as contrary to God’s Word as the practice of wasting the present. It is wise to learn from past experiences, both positive and negative, and make tentative plans for the days and weeks ahead.  The intent of Jesus’ admonition is to not worry about those times.

Worry and regret can eat up a lot of time, energy and peace of mind if we allow them to, but by relinquishing the past to God’s grace, and trusting His faithfulness for the future, we will find joy and satisfaction in the now.

                                There is no way to change the past;
                                 it’s said, it’s done, it’s through;
                                 we cannot touch the future yet, its answers to pursue.
                                 The only time we have is now to choose the way we feel;
                                 and we can only choose what’s best if now, in prayer, we kneel.
                                 Lord, You know the way to where we want to be;
                                 if we’ll learn now from happenings past,
                                 that future we will see.


  1. Thanks for these words, Mom. I needed to “hear” them today. You know I spend way too much time worrying about the “what ifs “
    Btw—-I totally forgot about that billboard and the fun we had with that phrase. 😊


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