Uniquely You

You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.  
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:13-14)

These verses from the 139th psalm are indications that we are all created differently; uniquely. While we share some things in common, no two of us are exactly alike.  Take for instance my two oldest grandsons.  The older one was born redheaded and fair complexed, while the second was toe-headed with a warm tint to his skin, and they could not have been more diverse in nature.

Around three months, Collin’s personality began to emerge, and from that point on it was apparent he shared little in common with his 2½ year old brother, Cord.  Collin was a quiet child, content to be in his playpen or crib, watching Cord who was in perpetual motion.  At Collin’s age, Cord had loved the wind-up swing but Collin preferred to be held, rocked, and cuddled.

In those early days, my daughter sometimes expressed concern because Cord required a larger portion of her attention than Collin. It was not so much because of their age as it was their demeanor.  And in no way was it an indication that she loved one more than the other.  Cord and Collin, now grown, are still diverse in nature, as are my two younger grandchildren.  Each is a unique individual who holds a special place in the hearts of our family.

Pondering along those lines got me thinking about how our Heavenly Father loves us.  He knows us intimately, and understands us even better than we understand ourselves.  He is acquainted with our strengths and weaknesses; sees us at our best and worst, and knows why we act or react in every situation.  Yet, wonder of wonders, He loves us equally!

Sometimes we compare ourselves to others’ looks, talents, personalities, possessions or positions in life, and feel we come up short. To do so is to devalue the uniqueness in which we were created, and the importance God places on less visible assets:

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, 
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control 
(Galatians 5:22-23)

Our individuality is a gift from God, woven into our very fiber. By honest assessment of those qualities that make us unique, we can come to know ourselves more accurately and with God’s help, better use what He has given us to bring honor to His family name.

                                       Lord, show us the things You want us to know,
                                       Lead us where You deem best;
                                       Help us to learn the truths You would show;
                                       Calm us when we are distressed.
                                       Make us the persons You know we can be,
                                       Even when we are unfit;
                                       Help us to know You are working in us,
                                       Changing us bit-by-by.
