If You Can Do Anything

If You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us
 (Mark 9:22)

A father, perhaps with hopes generated by Jesus’ growing reputation as a healer, came seeking His help for his demon-tormented son.  But when he arrived he found, not the renowned miracle worker, but nine of His disciples.  Apparently willing to settle for any help he could get, he transferred his faith to them.  When they were not only unable to heal the boy but became embroiled in an argument with the scribes who were watching, his hopes must have been dashed.

Jesus’ appearance on the scene doesn’t seem to have restored much of his earlier confidence, as indicated by the if that prefaced his request.  The nine had failed; perhaps their leader would, too.

How often do our requests for help arrive at God’s throne with that same, perhaps unspoken, if? Turning a problem over to God means trusting Him to provide a solution even though there is little, if any, evidence that one is possible.

God sometimes uses others to help us in our time of need, but just as often He arranges provision from completely unexpected sources. Paul asked the Christians at Corinth:

Do you look at things according to the outward appearance? 
(2 Corinthians 10:7)

It is a good question to ask ourselves when we are faced with circumstances that seem hopeless.  The answer, once we have made an honest assessment of our heart, may reveal the degree to which we are actually trusting God’s faithfulness.  Jesus said to Thomas:

You have believed because you have seen.  Blessed
(literally: happy) are those who have not seen and yet have believed 
(John 20:29)

True faith is not based on having a solution in sight.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  Neither is it merely wishful thinking nor working to find a solution on our own. True faith is having confidence before an answer is obvious.   Paul put it this way:

Faith is the realization of things hoped for, the confidence of things not seen
(Hebrews 11:1)

Confidence based on Christ’s ability and His faithfulness to fulfill our requests keeps us from becoming discouraged when circumstances indicate a matter is hopeless.

 Lord, give me greater faith to feel You’re in control,
 working out my heart’s desires to satisfy my soul.
“Ask,” You said, “and you’ll receive; seek and you will find.”
Burn these words into my heart to ease my racing mind.
One step.  One step.  One at a time is all I need to see,
then trust You, knowing You’re at work to clear a path for me.
Lord, I believe but I'm so weak fears often block Your face;
teach me to wait in perfect peace
for Your time, Your way, Your place.
I'm glad You overlook how weak my faith is still,
for while with ease I say, "You can,"
it's hard to say "You will."
