Never Enough Time NOT to Pray

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and there He prayed 
(Mark 1:35)

Mid-November until the beginning of the new year is sometimes referred to as the holiday season. It is my favorite time of the year because of gatherings with family and friends, holiday meals, shopping, caroling, special worship services, and many other traditional activities.  But while it is my favorite time of the year, it is also my busiest.  A sentiment echoed by many, I am sure.

The problem is that we try to cram too many activities into too little time.  We rush from one thing to the next, meeting ourselves coming and going, arriving at the end of the day overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted.  We simply cannot do it all. Something has to go.

Unless we are watchful, one thing likely to get sidelined during busy times is our daily time with God. We don’t intend for it to happen; it just does.  Communicating with Him through prayer and Bible study, like food for the physical body, is needed every day to maintain good spiritual health.  When life is at its busiest, and time is in the shortest supply, daily time alone with Him is most vital. It is then that there is never enough time not to pray.

If we allow this special time to slip away unnoticed, and plunge into the day in our limited strength and knowledge, it won’t be long before we begin to experience the pressures of life closing in.  Seeking God’s wisdom and strength each morning, and listening to His directions throughout the day, helps us make good choices, and prioritize activities.  This in turn eliminates much of the stress we otherwise experience, and leaves us feeling more satisfied at the end of the day.

The pressures felt during busy times do not always come from the things we do.  Often they are due to the things we are unable to accomplish.  Great expectations may be placed on us from various sources, including ourselves, especially during the holiday season.  Because each thing seems important, not wanting to disappoint anyone, we try to meet them all.

Only God knows what is best for us, and only He can help us make good choices.  Meeting with Him in the morning, surrendering ourselves and the day to His foreknowledge, provides the guidance needed to choose wisely, prioritize correctly, and negotiate the busy road ahead.

Lord, here is my day as I have it planned;
Now I am placing it all in Your hand;
If You choose to change it, add more, or delay,
Please help me be willing to do it Your way.
