
Showing posts from 2019

At Year's End

As this year draws towards its close it’s good to count the ways that God has blessed and led us through our nights and all our days. For seldom can we understand, until some time has passed, how everything placed in His hand, worked for our good at last. It warms and reassures us to look back year by year, for since He’s led us in the past the future holds no fear. Glenda Collins Inman

Exchange of Gifts

The Great Prince of Heaven, Co-Creator of Earth, laid aside all His splendor, and by virgin birth took the form of a human and lived as a man; now whatever we face He can relate, understand. But His plan was far greater than just that alone when He laid down His power, stepped down from His throne. A sacrifice holy and pure in God’s sight, was needed if mankind could ever be right. Restored to the fellowship the first man had shared, before pride and self-will his innocence snared. So this Great Being, though He knew well the price, laid aside all His glory to be our sacrifice. I can’t understand it; my mind questions “why?” but the truth of this message I cannot deny. He has said, “Take it, this gift that I bought; it’s free by accepting the Way that I brought. Surrender of self-will, so foreign to man, is the only requirement He laid in His plan. It’s not by my goodness I have been made right, and now can stand blameless in God’s holy sight. But rather its th...

There's a Song in My Heart

(to be sung to the tune of “There’s a Song in the Air”) There’s a song in my heart, and a smile on my face, for I know beyond doubt that I’m saved by Your grace. I’ve been made right with You, and I never shall die. It’s the gift of Your love which I can’t earn or buy. But I owe You my life for the things You have done; to live it according to the words of Your Son. Every word that I say, and the things that I do, will be pleasing to You, Lord, if they’re honest and true. All my actions and motives expressed as they’re meant, since You see my heart, and You know my intent. The song that You hear, and the smile that You see, are the evident signs that You’re living in me. I’ll trust Your direction, and go where You lead, for Your grace is sufficient to cover my need. Glenda Collins Inman

The Colorful Story of Jesus

The story of Jesus -- His birth, life, death, burial and resurrection; His ministry and mission – has been depicted in many ways throughout the 2000+ years since He lived on Earth.  Artists have portrayed it in wood, stone, brass and pottery as well as charcoal, ink and paint of every color and hue. Literature has presented it in prose and poetry with dramas ranging from manger scenes to passion plays.  Music encompasses the scale with everything from cradle songs to stirring anthems.  Greeting cards and gift bags, ornaments and jewelry are available as well. Perhaps no life has ever been represented in such a wide array of mediums, and new ones continue to surface each year.  One of the simplest and most colorful can be found in a bag of jelly beans which are for sale in abundance around Easter.  These shiny, delicious little candies can represent many truths about Jesus as recorded in the Bible. WHITE for the purity of His virgin mother: the angel Ga...

Christmas...A Source of Comfort

We do not want you to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope  (1 Thessalonians 4:13) The phone call was unexpected. The news gut-wrenching.  The unborn baby lay dead in his mother’s womb and she was faced with the ordeal of delivering the corpse of her first-born child. Our hearts broke as we thought of the agony she and her husband and their families must be experiencing.  Eight months earlier we had rejoiced with them over this long-awaited pregnancy, and followed its development with enthusiasm and eager anticipation as the due date drew near.  Now joy dissolved into disbelief and sorrow. It was only a few days after Christmas and death seemed out of place in a season when families were celebrating, sharing memories, and making new ones. Knowing that future Christmases for this family would hold painful reminders of their loss seemed to magnify the sense of tragedy.  Why Christmas, of all times?   The thought came naturally, and over t...

Holiday Frenzy

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12) The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day make up what is frequently referred to as the Holiday Season.  It’s a special time of the year for many, but also a busy time.  So busy, in fact, that we can miss the joy of it all.  Perhaps it would be better if we scaled back the lesser things on the to-do list, and allowed ourselves to truly enjoy the important things like quality time with family and friends, and more intimate time with God. In the end, when all is said and done, it will not be the quantity of things we did or gifts we gave, but rather the quality of time spent which determines the joy we experience. Lord, I’ve got long lists to make.  Cookies to bake.  Cards to address and to mail. Trips into town.  Scurry around, attending to every detail. Gifts to be bought – special ones sought – wrapped and put under the tree. So much to get done I’m having to...

Holiday Away from Home

It must be difficult to be so very far away from home and friends and family on such a holiday. Sometimes, no doubt you feel so sad you think that no one cares; that everyone has someone else, and none your sadness shares. But with such thoughts remember that one cold night long ago, a tiny babe so pure and sweet, was born to earth below. Not many came to see Him there, or praised His humble birth, for they were busy with their feasts, and family and mirth. And then you might remember, too, the Child was all alone, for He had given up His crown, His kingdom and His throne. For over thirty years He lived among His fellowmen, but He was often scorned and mocked; misunderstood by them. His friends sometimes forsook Him; He had no place called home; no wife or child to comfort Him; He truly was alone. When it was time for Him to leave this earthly life behind, they killed him in the cruelest way that anyone could find. But now He’s on His throne agai...

Prayer for the Season

Lord, help us in the days ahead as we celebrate Your birth, to filter out the lesser things and choose the things of worth. To truly let You be in charge, our business release, that You may work Your will in us, and fill us with Your peace. May we center on Your life, and the sacrifice You made, that we may have the life You planned, by which Your death You paid. Glenda Collins Inman

Signs of Christmas

Wreaths of holly, mistletoe; Children playing in the snow; Carols sung by fireside glow; These are signs of Christmas. Yuletide trimmings on the street; Friendly smiles from folks you meet; Shopping trips and tired feet; These are signs of Christmas. Gifts all wrapped, the stockings hung; Every carol has been sung; Night descends, a church bell’s rung; These are signs of Christmas. Children dozing through the night; Eager for the dawn’s first light; Peace prevails and all is right; These are signs of Christmas. Glenda Collins Inman (published in IDEALS Magazine CHRISTMAS 2013)

Food for Thought

Self-worth based on this world’s standards is always in danger of being devalued.                       ** * * * ** We cannot be persons of refuge until our own person is sheltered in the Savior of Refuge.                      ** * * * ** Changed lifestyles begin with changed attitudes.                      ** * * * ** When God doesn’t show you a path out of the valley, trust Him to show you a way through it.                     ** * * * ** Lord, remind us often that Your ministry which attracted millions was always a matter of One-on-one.                     ** * * * ** Help your neighbor with a ready hand and a short memory; no one likes to feel beholden.             ...

For These I Thank You, Too

I thank You every day, Dear Lord, for the good things that You give: for family, friends, my home, my health, and another day to live. But what I seldom thank You for are the things I would not choose; the things by which You’re making me a person You can use. The times when everything seems black, and much too hard to bear; when no one seems to understand, or show me that they care. When I’ve been hurt, or been misused, or been misunderstood; when bad things loomed so largely that I could not see the good. When dreams have failed, and goals weren’t met, and losses were sustained; when truths proved false, and trust betrayed, and pride was deeply pained These things I seldom thank You for, and yet, Dear Lord, it’s true, it’s when I’m at my weakest that I give it all to You, And then You give me all Your power, Your strength and peace of mind, which doing things in my own way I simply could not find. So may I, Lord, in the days ahead be thankful every...

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

I thank You, God, that though You’re great, You take the time to see to all the hurts and inner needs of one so small as me. You have a way, a perfect plan, to make me feel complete, if I will bring my life, my will and lay them at Your feet. It is not for Your sake I need to bow surrendered there, but for my own that I may have the things You want to share. The peace, the love, the inner sense of satisfying wealth, to make the life I live worthwhile, to others and myself. Thank You for the problems, too, and the hard times that I face, for if it were not for the hurting, I might fail to see Your grace. Thank You for the answers and solutions You provide,  and even for the waiting that dissolves my harmful pride. Glenda Collins Inman

Food for Thought

God has promised to supply all our need, but He made no such promise concerning our greed.                     ** * * * ** If we want God’s power, we have to follow His plan.                   ** * * * ** Lord, when I face a task, help me to see not my weakness, but rather, Your strength.                  ** * * * ** The true nature of a person,  like the color of autumn leaves, is revealed by adverse circumstances.                 ** * * * * Thank You, Lord, for Your great love which I cannot understand; Help me love You more each day, until at Your throne I stand.                ** * * * ** You decide, Lord, for You know best, when I need work and when I need rest. Help me accept whichever You give, knowing they're needed for the lif...

A Six Room House

A Six-Room House walk worthy of the calling with which you were called (Ephesians 4:1) In recent blogs, we have looked at our 2-fold beings --  the outer (physical) body and the inner (spiritual) nature.  We have also looked at the picture of Jesus standing, knocking on the door of the heart, seeking admission to bring forgiveness of sin and new life to the inner being. Today I’d like to address what happens in the outer portion after the spiritual has been reborn. There are some who, not being able to grasp the concept of eternal security of salvation, would contend that if a person cannot lose their salvation by what they do, then it would be okay to sin all you want to.  In reality, because salvation changes what my dad always referred to as our want to, believers no longer find enjoyment in sinful activities, but being human, sin more than we want to. Now that we have explored the dealings of the inner being, let’s take a look at the outer portion of ours...

Food for Thought

                   Food for Thought Morning Prayer Here is my day, Lord, as I have it planned; now I am placing it all in Your hand; if You choose to change it, add more or delay, please help me stay flexible to do it Your way.                             Amen                              ** * * * ** Our Morning Walk Lord, silence my thoughts that drown out Your voice, as we walk through the garden together. Slow my pace so I don’t run ahead, and miss the blossoms You’d like me to gather.                           ** * * * ** It is not the quantity of years, but rather the quality of the days, that measure the length of one’s life.                     ...

Thankful for the "All Things"

For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,  to those who are called according to His purpose   (Romans 8:28) Several years before my dad died, I mentioned that Romans 8:28 had become something of a life motto for me.  I was surprised when he replied that it was also his father’s favorite verse and that he often quoted it when things went wrong.  When a piece of machinery broke or something else unfavorable happened, granddad would say to his sons, “Well, boys, this is just one of the “all things.” It seems to come pretty naturally for us to thank God for the positive things that come along in life, but how often do we express our gratitude for the negative ones, especially when they assault us unexpectedly, and it seems there is no rhyme or reason for their happening? Now, before I come off sounding like a Pollyanna who breezes through life with a “praise God anyway”, let me explain myself.  It isn’t that we want those ...

Permission to Fail

He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust   (Psalm 103:14) Did you hear about the young pastor who received the same telephone call every week?  Early Monday mornings his phone would ring and a deep mellow voice at the other end would say, “Hello.  This is God.  I just called to tell you that today you have my permission to fail.” The caller wasn’t God, of course, but an older pastor who was aware of the unrealistic demands his young colleague made on himself, and was reminding him that God does not expect His children to be perfect. We know from Scripture that this is true, but does God actually condone failure?  The question intrigued me, and as I began to search His Word, I was surprised to find much evidence that in some matters, God does grant us permission to fail.  Here are a few of the ones I found: God grants us … …permission to fail to have all the answers : Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own...

What is Patriotism?

Patriotism is the small lump in the back of your throat as you watch Old Glory being hoisted slowly up a flagpole, and the unexplained quickening deep inside as she catches the breeze and unfurls her gleaming colors for all to see. Patriotism is the justifiable anger you feel when you hear dissenters, young and old, ridiculing, criticizing and attempting to tear down the basic ideals which have sustained our country since its birth. Patriotism is having the courage to speak out against evil and corruption in our government even if it means standing alone, and seeking reforms in such a manner so as to destroy the undesirable without damaging the governmental structure itself. Patriotism is the realization that America can only be as strong as her weakest citizen, and in the light of that knowledge, do everything possible to uphold her legal, as well as her moral code, provide food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, safety for the unborn, and dignity for the aged and inf...

God's Book of Poetry

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10) I’m sometimes asked when and how I started writing poetry.  Ever since I can remember, I have made up rhymes to express my feelings.  But it wasn’t until my junior year of high school when an English teacher taught us how to write English Verse, that I learned how to put my thoughts into repeating rhythm and rhyme patterns, unlocking the ability I had unknowingly desired .  Since then I have written hundreds of poems using a personalized form of English Verse. My dad used to say that nothing is hard if you know how.  Although that didn’t always make sense in my younger days, I have found it to be true.  Though there are exceptions to the rule — for instance I never was able to master the piano in spite of lessons and practice — it is true of writing English Verse. In past years, I conducted week long workshops, tea...

Food for Thought

Kindness is love expressed in gentle little acts.                        ** *** ** To be alone with God is never to be alone.                       ** * * * ** Forgiveness become a natural response in the heart that is tenderized by kindness.                       ** * * * ** There are no regrets when God is in control.                      ** * * * ** The whole world is thirsty for kindness, but too often we refuse to give them the  few drops it would take to quench their thirst.                      ** * * * ** If we refuse to speak to every person who holds an opinion different from our own, our world will be a silent tomb.                ...

Mountaintop or Valley

Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age        (Matthew 28:20) Lord, I really am afraid of heights; it makes my knees grow weak to even think of standing high upon a mountain peak. I can’t conceive why men would wish, or even how they’d dare, to scale up to a mountaintop, just because it’s there. Yet, in my daily walk with You, the opposite is true; it seems I always tend to seek a high and lofty view. And when I’m in a valley low, I feel that it is wrong; that I’d be on the mountaintop, if only I were strong. Lord, teach me that it’s quite alright, when bowed beneath some load, to find my path is leading down a lonely valley road. For You have charted out my life; You’ve planned each passing mile, Help me to trade my fear for trust; my fretting for a smile. Sometimes You’ll lead me up the slopes, to share a lofty view; but whether there or down below, help me to trust in You. Glenda Collins Inman

Healing for the Pain

Healing for the Pain Have mercy on me, Oh Lord, for I am weak; Oh Lord, heal me for my bones are troubled... I am weary with my groaning; all night I make my bed swim; I drench my bed with my tears  (Psalm 6:2,6) I cannot say I know Your pain, nor can I fully feel it; because I have not walked your mile,  I have no words to heal it. Only one who's suffered in  the way you're suffering now can comfort you and speak with love  the words to show you how. God is a Parent Whose only Child  came to a tragic end, and as such He can understand  and healing comfort send. He said, "It will not all be loss,  for from your tragedy  I'll cause much good to come about  if you'll just trust in Me. We cannot see the way He plans  to bring this promise true, but God has never failed His Word  and He'll not start with you! May all His power descend on you  each time your spirit cries...

Help for Change

As He Who called you is holy,You also be holy in your conduct,  because it is written,“Be holy as I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16) A few days ago we looked at how Jesus stands at the heart’s door, knocking, wanting to come in, bringing forgiveness of sin and new life in the inner (spiritual) being.  Jesus referred to this as being “born again.”  Scripture assures us that this new life, often referred to as “being saved,” is eternal and nothing nor anyone can take it away: I give them eternal life, and they shall not perish;  neither shall anyone snatch  them out of My hand.   My Father, Who has given them to Me,  is greater than all  and no one is able to  snatch them  out of My Father’s hand (John 10:28-29) So it is that nothing done in the outer (physical) body brings about new birth (salvation), and nothing done in the physical body will cause us to lose that salvation.  Does that mean it doesn’t matter what w...

The Upward Climb

The Lord is leading me along a trail I’ve never been, and I am finding it so rough I have to cling to Him. He did not force, I asked to come, I longed the view to see, but now I’m questioning the path on which He’s leading me. It’s just that I had visualized a gently sloped incline, with flowers to pick along the way, as I strolled through the pines. Instead, the twisting, rock-strewn trail that marks my upward climb, takes all my courage, patience, strength, and so much precious time. The sun that shone so bright below, is hidden now by clouds; direction is all lost to me; fear-thoughts my senses crowd. My shoes, so comfortable before, have rubbed my sore feet raw; the dampness of the wind-chilled air, seems at my limbs to gnaw. The mist that shrouds the path ahead, makes everything look bleak; and yet my Guide bids me press on toward some unseen peak. As courage wanes, with steps unsure, distressed, my spirit cries, and asks the Lord, “Where am I ...

A Knock at the Door

Look!  I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears Me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him, and he with Me   (Revelation 3:20 - Living Bible) There is a picture that is familiar to many of us who grew up in church because, through the years, copies of it hung on the walls of churches across the nation.  It is a depiction of Jesus knocking on the exterior of a door, in front of which overhanging ivy forms the outline of a heart.  An interesting feature of the door is that there is no door knob on the outside. The absence of an exterior door knob is indicative of the fact that Jesus does not force Himself on anyone.  He simply knocks on the heart’s door of the inner (spiritual) being and waits to be invited in.  If He is allowed to come in, He brings a relationship that is intensely warm, personal, and eternal. Lord, thank You for knocking on my door, asking to come in; for en...

Food for Thought

God has promised to supply all our needs,      but He made no such promise concerning our greed.       ** * * * ** If we want God’s power we have to follow His plan.     ** * * * ** Lord, when I look at a task, help me to see Your strength, and not my weakness. ** * * * ** The true nature of a person, like the color of autumn leaves, is revealed by adverse circumstances. ** * * * ** Prayer provides the power that permits progress. ** * * * ** Plans positively progress provided prayer precedes. ** * * * ** Lord, help me not run toward my day until I have run to You, ** * * * ** Peacefulness and Contentment are well acquainted for they often lodge together in the truly thankful heart. ** * * * ** A surrendered will is the first step to a transformed lifestyle. ** * * * ** Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to make  something good out of everything, including m...

It's a Family Matter

“I am the way, the truth, and the life... no one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6) “After all, we’re all God’s children,” I overheard a woman say as I passed a group of ladies. If only it were so, I thought to myself.  Unfortunately, according to God’s Word, that simply isn’t the case.  While it is true that we are all products of His creation, we are not all members of His family kingdom. Lest I sound like a religious elitist who believes that only certain people deserve the privilege of belonging to His family, let me hasten to assure that the exact opposite is true.  Membership in God’s family is open to everyone.  It is not His will that anyone be left out: The Lord is...not willing that any should perish  but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten (born-to-Him) Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16) ...

The Old Lion

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks  about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) It has been noted that only old lions roar when they are hunting food.  Because they are no longer capable of running as fast as they once were, in order to catch their prey, they roar in an effort to frighten it into inactivity, even momentarily, to increase their chances of making the kill. Old lions are not as powerful, and may not have as many teeth as in their younger days, so while they are still dangerous and frightening, they are much less so. Satan acts in much the same way.  His tactic is to frighten us, to keep us upset, stressed, and worried, so that our lives are less peaceful and productive.  But Satan cannot hurt us if we stay centered in God’s will and look to Him for guidance and protection. Although it is true there is always the possibility that our outer (physical) bodies can be injured or destroyed, our i...

I'll Do My Part

the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) Isn’t humbling when your grown children say something to you that is so right on it turns your way of thinking in a whole new direction?  For instance, the time a while back when I was feeling a little down and mentioned to one of my daughters that I felt like my life had not made a difference for good. “Mom,” she said patiently, “you’re like a farmer that planted a row of seed and at the end of the row, turned around and looked, expecting to see a full-grown crop.” Wow! What a wise analogy.  I acknowledged that she was right, thanked her, and determined to remember her word picture any time the feeling returned. Later, I was able to pen the idea into a poem.  I share it here because it seems we all have times when we wonder just how effective our efforts really are. My job is just to sow the seed God’s given me to sow; the harvest I may never see while living here below. One by one I’ll plant His seed wherever I’m assi...

Beauty in Adversity

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven                 ...He has made everything beautiful in its time                                           Ecclesiates 3:1,11 Autumn beauty blazes bright across the rolling hills: golds and reds and mauve and rust from every hillside spill. In awe we watch them as they grow more beautiful every day,  scarcely mindful of the things that make them turn that way. No gentle breeze or warming sun has made the scene we see, but chilling winds and shortened days bring colors to the trees. Adversity is what it takes to show them at their best, for now, with colors so diverse, each stands out from the rest. So may it be in my own like, in each adversity, that others, looking on my plight, God’s beauty there may see. Glenda Collins Inman

Driving through Rainbows

I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.  It shall be, the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh;  the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh (Genesis 9:13-15) Have you ever driven through a rainbow?   I wouldn’t have thought it possible until it happened to my husband and l several years ago. We were driving on I44 just west of Joplin, MO, late one afternoon when it happened.  It had been raining earlier in the day and a heavy mist shrouded the area, when we noticed a faint rainbow hovering low over the highway ahead. As we approached, it became apparent that we were going to drive right through it.  Sure enough, in just a few minutes, we found ourselves enveloped in a pale pinkish mist in which there were dots of a darker hue. The mist covered every inch of the air ...