
The Wrong Road

There is a way that seems right to a man but the end is the way of death (Proverbs 16:25) Have you  ever been lost?  On a road that you thought was taking you in the right direction only to discover that it led the opposite way?  I have been.  Twice.  Though both were many years ago, I still get a squishy feeling in my stomach when I think how differently they could have turned out. Even though the two incidents happened years apart, they had a number of things in common.  Both took place while driving on less-than-familiar country roads.  Shortcuts to where I was going.  Both had Y’s in the road and each time I chose wrongly because it looked like the direction I needed to go.   And looked the most traveled.  But both ended in potential danger. The first took place in the 1960’s.  That time I ended up in a pasture where my right front tire fell into a deep hole.  When I tried to back out, the grass was wet with d...

Spring Is

Spring is a baby duckling as it waddles down the lane. Spring is green things growing over mountain, field and plane. Spring is water rushing down a mountainside, flowing to the sea below to join the swelling tide. Spring is flowers and grass and trees, decked out in colors new, beneath the rays of golden sun and skies of crystal blue. Spring is the buzzing of the bees, and singing of the birds; It’s love that’s young and beautiful, too deeply felt for words. Spring is the time when life is new, when winter’s storms have passed. Spring is the symbol of our youth which passes all too fast. Glenda Collins Inman (as published in EASTER IDEAL 1971)

When Mothers Pray

When mothers come to You in prayer, and with You all their burdens share, a world of wrongs You will make right, and heavy hearts You will make light. For mothers’ hearts are tuned to hear the unspoken cry, the unshed tear, the slightest wound to heart or pride, the silent plea for help that’s cried. When mothers pray their humble prayers, the world is saved from Satan’s snares. For there’s no greater force nor sway than what You send when mothers pray. Glenda Collins Inman

We Can Sleep On Easter Eve

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me  (John 14:1) I hadn’t slept all night which wasn’t unusual for an insomniac like me.  I intended to go to bed but as the evening wore on and my energy increased, I decided to work until I got sleepy.  The next day was Easter, and following morning worship we were having guests for dinner; there were still preparations I could make that night.  Hours passed but sleep didn’t come so I kept going.  It was satisfying to see my to do list shrink as the hours ticked by. About 5:00 the next morning, as I checked off the last item, it came to me that, all across the land, people were getting ready for sunrise services.  Our church wasn’t having one so I decided to have my own in our sun room, praying, meditating, and watching for the sun to rise. Easter that year fell on the first day of daylight savings time so there was very little light in the sky as I entered the darkened room. I a...

Thoughts for Easter

The story of Jesus -- His birth, life, death, burial and resurrection; His ministry and mission – has been depicted in many ways throughout the 2000+ years since He lived on Earth.  Artists have portrayed it in wood, stone, brass and pottery as well as charcoal, ink and paint of every color and hue. Literature has presented it in prose and poetry with dramas ranging from manger scenes to passion plays.  Music encompasses the scale with everything from cradle songs to stirring anthems.  Greeting cards and gift bags, ornaments and jewelry are available as well. Perhaps no life has ever been represented in such a wide array of mediums, and new ones continue to surface each year.  One of the simplest and most colorful can be found in a bag of jelly beans which are for sale in abundance around Easter.  These shiny, delicious little candies can represent many truths about Jesus as recorded in the Bible. White for the purity of His virgin mother: the angel Ga...